Recent Developments in Cloud Data Security Technologies; Interview with Zbyněk Sopuch, CTO of Safetica



With Safetica you can concentrate on running your business without the risk of data loss and insider threats. Learn more in this exclusive Q&A with Safetica CTO Zbynajk Sopuch.

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Tell us more about who you are and your background in the security field

Hi, my name is Zbynajk Sopuch. I am currently the CTO at Safetica a security software vendor. My role at Safetica is to combine my technology expertise and experience with the needs of our customers. As a large part of our buyer persona is composed of cyber security teams and senior technology executives, I have the opportunity to really get to know these buying committees.

I have over a decade of experience in the industry. Every day, I am inspired by the opportunities and security threats that AI and cloud are creating in the business world. At Safetica, we are excited about continuing to solve these complex security challenges; empowering users and businesses without overloading them with complicated solutions.

Who are you and what particular services do you offer?

Intrinsic risk management is a unique combination of Data Protection Layer (DPL) and Insider Risk Management (IRM). For medium-sized organizations, traditional DLP solutions can be overly complex and sometimes even unworkable. By combining DLP with IRM, organizations gain inherent visibility over sensitive information, concurrent insider risks in their environment related to that information, visibility across workstations, and the ability to detect suspicious or harmful user behavior.

It also goes a step further by automating the discovery of risks and changes in the IT environment, making data security easier and increasing the return on investment that entities make in their security stack. At this time, we are seeing a strong trend among our customers that Insider risk management is becoming more important to them as a result of this rapid adoption and the flexibility it offers within the organization.

Would you be able to provide us with an insight into the current state of Cloud Data Security and the latest trends impacting this market?

The market is characterized by data security consolidation with disruption by artificial intelligence. By consolidation, I refer to the inherent merger or overlap of the market for data endpoint security and the previously dedicated market for cloud data security with the dedicated market for email security or a CASB solution. Modern solutions provide a single, centralized solution to address data across the entire environment.

The current disruption caused by artificial intelligence is driving the use of cloud services. New transformational services are on the rise. Employees are driven to send their data to these services to maintain productivity. Exposing such data can be very dangerous if not managed correctly – strong service discovery capabilities and effective data protection management are essential. This highlights the close synergy of insider risk management with data loss prevention.

What are some of the most common issues businesses face in terms of cloud data protection and how Safetica's Cloud Data Security solution addresses them?

  • The fundamental security questions are simple: Where is my sensitive data?
  • Where is it stored? Who am I sharing it with?
  • How does it move through my organization?

The biggest problem is that the answers to these questions are too broad and inflexible, resulting in information blindness for IT and security teams.

That’s where our solution comes into play: automated risk detection and enforcement of security policies and best practices.

What are the top characteristics and advantages of Safetica's Cloud Data Security solutions? How does Safetica help organizations stay ahead of changing security threats in the cloud?

As I mentioned earlier, the key benefit is the unique combination of DLP and Insider Risk Management that significantly reduces barriers to cloud data security adoption and adoption from the get-go. To be more precise, Safetica provides the same solution as the cloud service or the on-premises solution and covers both the endpoints and the productivity cloud platform. With a single pane of glass, we bring visibility into the workforce, the work environment, the data flow, and the data classification and enforce as much as possible security best practices and company policies. The key to success is to focus on the efficiency of our customers. The solution must be flexible and we must simplify the workload of the IT and Cyber Security teams as much as we can.

As technology advances in the field of artificial intelligence, can you provide us with an overview of new developments and trends in AI in the areas of data classification and data security?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is in line with our automation and simplification strategy. While machine learning can automate simple patterns, AI takes it to a new level of anomaly detection and simplification of the whole security operation. AI’s deep learning capabilities pave the way to predictive classification and even remediation.

Imagine LLM-based generative AI at the heart of your security operation center (SOC). This opens up a new world of interaction with your system and helps you connect the dots when investigating an incident. In the background, data from various parts of your system or even across systems is analyzed and delivered to your security operator in real-time and at lightning speed. This reality is here to stay and security solutions must be prepared for it.

What are you working on right now? Are there any Safetica investor and partnership opportunities? Do you have any other tips for today’s readers?

We are always looking for partners who want to sell or add Safetica to their portfolio. If you have a portfolio of cyber-security products for your clients/partners that still require Endpoint Security/Risk Management/Data Classification/Regulatory compliance, let us know. We have the luxury to generate enough cash to fund our growth, but we are always looking for ways to accelerate our growth. It’s not a top priority right now, but we’re open to exploring various options to ensure nothing is out of the question.

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